Whew! It's been a busy summer. I just watched my baby brother get married (congrats, K & L!) and I am feeling very, very old.
It's been a good summer for music, though. I was able to attend two great shows:
Crowded House and
Toad the Wet Sprocket. Plus, I finally got my hands on Suzanne Vega's new album,
Beauty and Crime. It's as fantastic as I hoped it would be.

You may remember Suzanne Vega from of the oft-remixed
Tom's Diner (you can listen to a snippet of this and many of her other songs at
her website). Her new album is slightly more pop-y and less folksy than I expected, but in the best possible way. My favorite song is the first one,
Zephyr & I, followed closely by
Edith Wharton's Figurines. I also just learned from
Wiki that Vega has the same birthday (different year) and same degree (English Lit.) as me. Love her!
I'm also really enjoying
The Underdog (as far as I can tell, the song has no connection to the
crappy Jason Lee Underdog movie which I've expressed my disgust for previously) by
Spoon. I just can't resist a band with a good horn section.

(And that, of course, is a
runcible spoon)