Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Gyme? What's a gyme?

So, I joined a gym today. Woo...hoo...? Although I'm excited about it, I never really saw myself as the gym-going type. Maybe because the thought of going to the gym makes me flash back to those elementary and junior-high school P.E. classes, where the non-athletic (me) got mixed in with the super-athletic (girls' basketball team) and were forced to compete against each other, with appropriately hilarious (embarrassing) results.

But I digress. The gym I joined is full of positive, helpful people, and they have child care! Most of the members seem to be regular people like me, in various states of fitness and non-fitness, just trying to improve themselves. So why do I feel so torn about my decision to join? I think it's because I hate to admit that I need help with anything. And I do need help with this. At home, I have a box of workout videos, free weights, and a big blue exercise ball, but I've never been more out of shape. It's obvious that I can't motivate myself, plus, it's hard to do yoga with a 2-year old crawling all over me. Help me, gym!

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