Friday, February 2, 2007

I don't like Meyer lemons

I tried to like them, really I did, but I just wasn't impressed. I know that Meyer lemons are all the rage in cooking right now, but they still make me irrationally angry. Maybe it's because they are sometimes described as being "better than" a lemon, that is, sweeter and less tart. But I love lemons, and I love them because they taste like lemons. If I want something that tastes like an orange, I'll use an orange. I know, it's a silly quibble, and the recipes that I've linked to all look divine. But I'll be using REAL lemons when I make them. Sorry, Meyers.

1 comment:

bazu said...

I kinda agree- I hate when a food becomes so trendy. My 2 biggest pet peeves are "molten (or lava) chocolate cake" and "raspberry coulis"! They just become buzzwords. I like lemons, especially grown on someone's own tree.