Friday, April 13, 2007


Apropos of nothing, I really like the song Fidelity by Regina Spektor. It's kind of pop-y, and I hear it on the radio five times an hour, but I love it anyway. She has a sensational voice, but I think it's the pizzicato violin (or what sounds to me like pizzicato violin; I'm no expert) that sucks me in. The video is fantastic too, starting out in black-and-white and ending with handfuls of colored pixie dust (watch it here). Plus, I dig her black-and-white heels.

Oddly, even now, years after the New Kids on the Block debacle, I still feel somehow embarassed when I find myself liking a song that gets heavy radio play. Am I secretly a music snob? Why do I feel like I should have to work harder to find music I like?


Anonymous said...

Well, I haven't listened to a radio since mine was stolen out of my car a few months ago...and I'm so glad you posted about this song because I love it. The video was good - although I couldn't help but think it would be a pain to clean up after all that dust.

Her voice reminds me of the Voices on the Verge girls - sort of a mix between Erin McKeown and Fiest - if that makes any sense.

And I don't care what anyone says - Hanging Tough was a great song.
Check out their videos and greatest hits at

chippo said...

Thanks "MF", I always appreciate your comments. You might be the only person I know who would worry about the difficulty of cleaning up the dust. I thought her voice (and the piano playing)reminded me a bit of Tori Amos. Have you heard Amy Winehouse yet?

p.s. Thanks for the link...I'm totally NOT a secret closeted New Kids on the Block fan. Not at all.

Megs said...

I just checked out Amy Winehouse's website - can't listen to the whole song, like you can on Regina's website. The music sounds good, but visually, she's quite the scary woman.