Monday, July 16, 2007


in·cho·ate [in-koh-it, -eyt or, especially Brit., in-koh-eyt]

1. not yet completed or fully developed; rudimentary.
2. just begun; incipient.
3. not organized; lacking order: an inchoate mass of ideas on the subject.

[Origin: 1525–35; < L inchoātus, var. of incohātus ptp. of incohāre to begin, start work on, perh. equiv. to in- -in-2 + coh(um) hollow of a yoke into which the pole is fitted + -ātus -ate1]

I just learned this word today. Or more likely, I've seen it before but glossed it over without bothering to look it up, assuming that I already knew what it meant.

As I try to get back into writing, I'm making a point looking up words I thought I already know the definitions for, only to discover that I'm always slightly wrong. Using words more precisely will help me write more precisely, so this is probably a good thing.

Anyway, inchoate is a word I will need to begin using immediately, to describe myself, to describe this blog, and to describe any of several projects I'm trying to complete right now. I like the fact that it looks and sounds so similar to incoherant.

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