Monday, July 2, 2007


Step 1: Fresh Basil

Step 2: Fresh Basil in Blender

Step 3: Fresh Pesto in Bowl

Okay, I may have skipped some steps, but is there anything better than a bowl of fresh pesto sauce? I used to make it from a packet, but in the last year or two I've discovered that it's just as easy, and much tastier, to make it myself. I don't have a specific recipe (because it depends on what I have on hand at the time), but here are some guidelines:


2 cups basil, give or take

Juice of 2-3 lemons

1/4 - 1/2 cup olive oil

1/4 - 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese (I like a lot of cheese)

2 - 3 cloves of garlic, peeled

1/4 - 1/2 cup nuts (I usually use walnuts, but pine nuts are more traditional. Alton Brown has a great recipe using pistachios. In a pinch, I've used pecans and even raw almond butter.)

Splash of apple cider or other vinegar (optional: if you need more acid but have run out of lemons)

Cayenne pepper or tabasco sauce, to taste

Tamari, soy sauce, or sea salt, to taste (if you use a lot of cheese, you won't need much salt)

Pinch of ground mustard or actual mustard (there is some chemistry going on here, as the mustard helps emulsify the olive oil and lemon juice)

Freshly ground pepper, to taste

Throw everything in the blender and blend the heck out of it. Use a silicone spatula if necessary to help the mixture turn over. Be careful! Wooden spoon not recommended: chunks of wood do not enhance pesto's texture.

I think that's it! Spread finished pesto on pasta, salads (add a bit more lemon juice to make a yummy dressing), bread, crackers, sandwiches...

And of course, ugly, misshapen pizzas! I probably should have done a better job rolling out the dough, but they tasted great.

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